Dare To Imagine
Dare to Imagine is a project designed to give youth the inspiration and the skills to envision, plan and achieve success in heir lives.
The Dare to Imagine program is based on Olympian Technology, a high performance “vision to action” program developed by Olympic Pentathlete, Marilyn King. It utilizes the same thinking skills currently taught to elite athletes, astronauts, corporate executives and others interested in exceptional human performance.
Investing in Oakland
In 2011, The Institute for Civic Leadership at Mills College partnered with Marilyn King and Beyond Sports to create the Olympian Thinking: Mentorship for Social Change. This program trained Mills students as onsite mentors for Oakland middle school-aged youth at a demonstration site soon to be determined. The goal of the mentoring relationship was to assist youth in aligning the three things common to all high achievers.
Powered by their own passions and informed by a careful exploration of the factors influencing their goals, the youth identified the skills, steps, action plan and support necessary to achieve success in their educational and career goals. As the foundation for this mentoring, the interns were trained in and delivered a transformational education tool called Olympian Thinking™. In addition to mentoring youth, interns collaborated with staff to implement processes to insure that every middle school age youth using the facility got the message that they are “Already Wired to Win” and has access to the Olympian Thinking™ methodology.
Investing in Oakland, Mills College 2011 (PDF)
Training for 2012
The Bay Area Sports Organizing Committee (BASOC) bid to host the 2012 Olympic Games in the San Francisco Bay Area. In the spirt of community and contributing to youth development, BASOC created “Training for 2012”, a youth development program for Bay Area schools and community centers that features Olympic-based educational materials and visits by Olympic athletes.
The “Training for 2012” program materials include a broad spectrum of activities designed to increase understanding of the Olympic Games. The program also emphasizes Olympic values, especially teamwork, persistence and indvidual achievement.
Below is a taste of the curriculum. BASOC is excited to share “Training for 2012” with schools and community centers. Thank you for joining us in spreading the Olympic spirit!
Sample Documents