Learning Library


betterPerfectBetter than Perfect: 7 Strategies to Crush Your Inner Critic and Create a Life You Love
Timely and transformative, Better than Perfect by Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo offers step-by-step instructions for perfectionists to find balance and freedom. The book defines perfectionism in easy-to-understand terms, offers simple assessment tools, and shares case studies.



The Compassionate Samurai: Being Extraordinary in an Ordinary World
The Compassionate Samurai by Brian Klemmer will show you the way to produce extraordinary results in a dog-eat-dog world and still maintain the highest levels of ethics. You’ll learn: How to always be satisfied and motivated regardless of your circumstances; Why all people have freedom but very few have liberty…and much more!

drawingSolutionsDrawing Solutions: Visual Goal Setting Will Change Your Life
Filled with stories of personal and client experiences, this book by Patti Dobrowolski will convince you that you don’t have to be an artist or know how to draw to use these tools. You just have to be willing to honestly explore where you are, dream where you want to be and choose the three bold steps you will take to make it happen. Using the latest neuroscience findings, test out how to trick your brain into helping you get what you want.

Dear Someone by Nancy Margulies

A comprehensive website and online community that increases knowledge, sharing, and adoption of what works in K-12 education. We emphasize core strategies: project-based learning, comprehensive assessment, integrated studies, social and emotional learning, educational leadership and teacher development, and technology integration.

HabitsofMindActivatingHabits of Mind: Activating & Engaging
This second book in the Habits of Mind series translates that approach into action with practical, classroom-tested advice. To show the relationship between content and the habits of mind, Costa and Kallick sought contributions from practitioners in literature, math, music, etc.


HabitsofMindAssessingHabits of Mind: Accessing & Reporting on
This is the third book in the Habits of Mind series and considers how to assess and report student progress in using the habits of mind. What should teachers report and how? Many practical, classroom-tested assessment tools and approaches address these questions.


HabitsDiscoveringHabits of Mind: Discovering & Exploring
In this book, noted educators Arthur L. Costa and Bena Kallick define and describe 16 types of intelligent behavior that they call “habits of mind.” These habits can aid both students and adults in school and in everyday life as they encounter problems, dilemmas, and enigmas.


HabitsofMindIntegratingHabits of Mind: Integrating & Sustaining
Integrating and Sustaining Habits of Mind is the fourth volume in a series describing 16 types of intelligent behavior called “habits of mind.” These behaviors can aid both students and adults in school and everyday life as they encounter life’s challenges. The habits also encourage thinking skills essential to lifelong learning.


ImpactTriangleThe Impact Triangle: The 3 Essentials to Accelerate Your NonProfit Enterprise
The Impact Triangle by Cindi Phallen offers solutions to common challenges – Planning, Building strong boards, Fundraising, and Staff management. The strategies presented address three cornerstones: 1. Choose the right mindset 2. Focus on strategic relationships 3. Utilize winning practices and tools.

lateralThinkingLateral Thinking
Edward DeBono’s practical explanation of how creativity works, this results-oriented bestseller trains listeners to move beyond a “vertical” mode of thought to tap the potential of lateral thinking. It shows how the habit of lateral thinking can be encouraged and new ideas generated.


MappingInnerSpaceMapping Inner Space: Learning and Teaching Visual Mapping
This award winning guide to learning mind mapping provides detailed applications for personal and classroom use. Fully illustrated with a mind map for every page of text, this book by Nancy Margulies is an excellent guide for anyone who wants to learn or teach mapping.


BeyondYesNoPo: Beyond Yes and No
Edward de Bono’s basic primer of a revolutionary new way of thinking. Edward maintains that most of us are trapped within the rigid confines of traditional ways of thinking, limited by concepts which have developed simply for the purpose of arriving at the ‘right’ answer.


PowersMindPowers of Mind
Adam Smith, author of The Money Game, pens a fascinating and compelling read. He tells all about every mind trip under the sun! He discusses biofeedback, learning to know the left brain from the right, zen, and more in this considerable educational and entertaining book.


Maxwell Maltz’s landmark bestseller has inspired and enhanced the lives of more than 30 million readers. In this updated edition, with a new introduction and editorial commentary by Matt Furey, president of the Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation, the original text has been annotated and amplified to make Maltz’s message even more relevant for the contemporary reader.

PsychosynthesisPsychosynthesis: A Collection of Basic Writings
This is the seminal work by Dr. Roberto Assagioli, M.D. on a psychological model he developed called psychosynthesis. He was a contemporary and colleague of both Freud and Jung and had studied the work of both schools associated with them. He saw psychosynthesis as an evolution of the psychological thinking of the time to include all of a person’s body, mind & spirit.

ThePromiseThe Promise: How One Woman Made Good on Her Pact to Send a Classroom of 1st Graders to College
This marvelous and inspiring book is the amazing story of one woman’s unending desire to make a difference. And if once was not enough, in 2001 author Oral Lee Brown made the same promise to three new classrooms of first-, fifth-, and ninth-graders. Brown and her foundation adopt a new crop of kids to send to college every four years.

Quantum Seuss by Nancy Margulies

RootsThe Roots of Coincidence: An Excursion into Parapsychology
Arthur Koestler discusses various attempts to achieve a synthesis between the exact science of physics and man’s intuitive intimations of deeper levels of reality–from the Renaissance philosopher Pico della Mirandola to Schopenhauer, Kammerer and Jung.


MindsEyeSeeing With The Mind’s Eye: The History, Techniques and Uses of Visualization This book by Michael Samuels explores the concepts and techniques related to visualization as the basic process of thought, memory, imagination, religious experiences, the perception of reality, creativity, and consciousness itself.


A revolutionary new system by Sheila Ostrander, Lynn Schroeder, and Nancy Ostrander that lets you master facts, figures, sports skills, your health, psychic abilities–anything!–two to ten times faster than you ever thought passable. Add undreamed-of dimensions to your abilities, using innovative, easy-to-follow techniques proved in worldwide studies.



Teaching for the Two-Sided Mind: A Guide to Right Brain/Left Brain Education
Linda VerLee Williams explores the application of this important research to the classroom, summarizing current knowledge, discussing its implications, and providing practical teaching techniques that draw upon the right side of the brain. Students need right-brain strength to achieve balanced thinking skills and to activate a full range of cognitive and creative abilities.

BrainSidesUse Both Sides of Your Brain: New Mind-Mapping Techniques
Using the latest research on the workings of the human brain, Tony Buzan, one of the world’s leading authorities on learning techniques, provides step-by-step exercises for discovering the powers of the right side of the brain and learning to use the left side more effectively.


WhackHeadA Whack on the Side of the Head: How You Can Be More Creative
Over the years, Dr. Roger von Oech’s book has been praised by business people, educators, scientists, homemakers, artists, youth leaders, and many more. The book has been stimulating creativity in millions of readers, translated into eleven languages, and used in seminars around the world.


parachuteWhat Color is Your Parachute
In today’s challenging job-market, the long-trusted guidance of What Color Is Your Parachute? is needed more than ever. Published in 22 languages and 26 countries, and with over 10 million copies sold, What Color is Your Parachute? by Richard Bolles has helped millions discover their unique gifts, skills, and interests and land a job–even in hard times.